Raintree Villas Homeowners Association
About Us
Michael Blunt - President
Carla Lennan - Vice President, ARB
Nancy Brandell - Treasurer
Sandra Cox - Secretary and Exterior Maintenance Chair
Kay Woolley - Grounds Chair
John Madris - Member at Large​
From Reisner Lawn Care on the irrigation system:
Please contact Area Real Estate,
816-797-0112 to request routine irrigation maintenance.
In the event of an emergency situation, such as a water leak (running water) please contact Reisner Lawn Care Office at 816-373-6996.

From the City of
Lee's Summit Animal Control
Licensing and leashing - all dogs and cats, over 6 months of age, must be licensed prior to May 1 annually. Proof of rabies vaccination is required to obtain a license. Licenses may be obtained at the Lee's Summit Animal Control Facility or at Lee's Summit City Hall.
Additionally, Lee's Summit has a "leash law" in that all pets, when outdoors, must be restrained by a chain, leash or other device that is attached to a fixed object or under the hand-held control of the owner, or the animal must be kept in an enclosed area from which it cannot escape, even when the animal is on the owners' property.

Raintree Villas Policy
on Snow Removal
Snow must stop falling and accumulate to 2 (two) inches or more. Drives, walkways leading to front entrance of home and sidewalls will be cleaned. Ice melt is the responsibility of the homeowners.